The School of Herbalists – Gundermannschule® – Gundermann-Naturerlebnisschule

KRÄUTERPÄDAGOGE (Herbal specialist, i.e., specialist for weeds and wild herbs) is a qualification to be achieved at the GUNDERMANN-School – Gundermann-Naturerlebnisschule. (Gundermann (Glechoma hederacea or ground-ivy) is the name of a wild herb). Our courses deal with general knowledge about herbology, ethnobotany, native and non-cultivated plants for healing and nutrition, their occurrence and the ecology of the local environment. The Gundermann-School imparts knowledge about an active contact with nature, ecological education and the recognition of biological and ecological interrelations.

During the last 25 years’ people of all ages thusbecame more aware in regard to the biodiversity of the local flora and nature in general which forms the basis of our lives, our nutrition, and well-being. Many people wish to get a better comprehension of biological interactions, to preserve nature for our descendants, to re-discover the traditional knowledge on herbal lore and to share their acquired knowledge with others. Based on our wide experience, the Gundermann-School can meet this increasing interest by means of special courses in which you can qualify as

KRÄUTERPÄDAGOGE (Herbal Specialist) according to Gundermannschule® – Gundermann-Naturerlebnisschule

The basis for bringing nature closer to our everyday life is a profound knowledge on ethnobotany, ecology as well as biology of the plants surrounding us.

Taking into account all these aspects, the herbal specialists see their challenge in awakening the will and readiness for a better realization, understanding and treatment of nature.

Herbal specialists are modern women and men who transfer their knowledge about traditional ethnobotany and the use of wild growing and non-cultivated plants in a way that adheres to the old traditions on the one hand, and on the other hand, they consider a nowadays biological and medical understanding of nutrition, healing and the interaction between people and nature. Herbal specialist strive for the maintenance of the diversity of species in their surrounding and they pass on knowledge about the conservation of nature as being the basis of our livelihood.

Main contents

In our courses all students will gain professional and methodical competence in biology, ecology, biodiversity and ethnobotany i.e., the knowledge about the traditional use and handling of native, non-cultivated plants. In addition to that, a focus on pedagogical abilities will be laid.

The main focus of this course is not on exotic or even rare plants but those who accompany us from day-to-day; plants we find almost everywhere and which are often regarded as futile and as unwanted weeds. Everybody sees them but nobody knows them – yet these plants are fascinating due to their vitality, adaptability and beauty. Due to their aroma and of secondary metabolites they can be a tasty delicacy and/or a gentle healing herb.

Herbal specialists are trained to communicate their knowledge to interested people in their own personal surroundings (children in kindergarten, schoolchildren or interested citizens) as well as tourists or other interest groups (meetings, tours, seminars, events, etc.).They learn how to share their knowledge about «delicatessen along the country roads» in a comprehensible and fascinating way. So, interested laymen as well as experts will sensually and playfully learn about the active plant handling , without the usual «don’ts» and prohibitions and the Herbal instructor will raise their excitement for biological and ecological contexts and revive their appreciation for our native flora.

Herbal specialists will be specially trained to present themselves in a competent and self-confident way to a wide range of public clients and in the media.

How students benefit from the courses

Herbal specialists contribute to a greater attraction of their rural area and a will be sustainably promoted. Due to their activity as rural entrepreneurs, their qualification will open new opportunities of income and employment. The successful qualification as Herbal instructor is the practical and functional precondition for the development of new products that derive from a gentle handling of nature and the knowledge how to use it and not to misuse it.

Future fields of activity for the students

Herbal specialists are ambassadors of their rural region. They are in the position to offer their activities on their own farms or in co-operation with tourist organisations, hotels, gastronomy, youth hostels, schools and kindergartens, theme parks, local communities, social, religious and many other regional institutions.

They can offer a wide range of services either totally individual or accommodated to the wishes of their clients, including guided tours where people learn about wild plants, presentations on regional events, or even offer a catering service for delicious dishes using wild herbs. Their qualification enables them to put new products on the market or to cultivate their own special plants – although additional qualifications might be necessary in that case.

Target group

The qualification is suitable for different target groups depending on the individual project sponsor:

  • farmers and country women, who have particularly favourable preconditions
    because of their relationship to cultivated landscapes
  • people working in agricultural professions or in landscape management
  • people who are active in the care of children or elderly persons

The qualification mediates:

  1. Knowledge is power and fun, only the things I know about are the things that matter to me basic biological knowledge, knowledge on biodiversity, ethnobotany of our homes.
  1. Admiring and being amazed
    using but not abusing
    to be enthusiastic and to evoke enthusiasm in others.
    Gain insight into the variety and beauty of nature
    A careful and loving treatment of nature
  1. The way to the heart is through the stomach
    experience nature – for the sake of your health
    practical instruction for the collecting, processing and use of wild and healing herbs, wild vegetables, fruits, and berries.

The qualification course includes:

  • 10 seminars in practice and theory, each for 2 days
  • 1 examination seminar for 2 days

The qualification ends with a final seminar (certificate). The successful participation will be acknowledged by a special certificate and authorises for carrying out special events according to the « Gundermann-School-qualification ».

Seminars for further education and revising will be carried out in regular intervals to update the validity of the certificate.